On Thursday night, the Public School boys took to Sotheby’s to unveil their curation for the auction house, bringing with them perhaps a higher dosage of leather jackets than 72nd Street and York Avenue is accustomed to seeing. The exhibit from the first-time curators Dao-Yi Chow and Maxwell Osborne will be open Monday and Tuesday and is titled “Prints & Multiples.” The too-cool-for-school guys that they are, Chow and Osborne breezed in late to their party and chatted with the evening’s crowd, mostly friends and art-world appreciators, by the bar. Chow and Osborne know Tad Smith, the chief executive officer of Sotheby’s, from his days at Madison Square Garden, when the designers did a line for the Knicks in 2014. “The CFDA had reached out to us to see if we’d be interested, and I guess Sotheby’s had reached out to them,” Chow explained. “It sort of just happened.” “The lot that we looked through was really big, but it was actually really easy,” ...
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