The 34years old pinkprint musician look flawless inside the pool and
wearing demin bra and shorts. Its a very busy year for the artist from
touring, working on videos for her album and still having time to relax
with her boo Meek Mills. Nicki Minaj shared pictures from her All eyes on you video shoot.
Nicki Minaj shared pictures from her All eyes on you video shoot.

Father is stunned to find shocking pictures of his autistic daughter, 9, locked away and crying on the floor taken by school staff
Concerned father asked to see daughter's school file amid safety concerns, he was shocked to find photos of her crying and being punished Family have now released photos and are calling for an investigation School has been in special measures and has now got new management. The father of an autistic girl has told of his horror after he uncovered disturbing pictures of his daughter in a file at her former school. Alan Evans removed daughter Jasmine, now 11, from Tregolls School in Truro, Cornwall two years ago amid concerns about how staff were treating her.He was able to access the school's records and was shocked to find photos of her shut behind a child gate, crying her eyes out and rolling on the floor. The father of Jasmine Evans, an autistic girl from Lanner, Cornwall, was shocked to find photos of her crying and locked behind a child gate in her school file after he became concerned she was being badly treated Mr Evans, who works as a nurse, has no...