Why is there silence when men are victims?
When men are victims of domestic violence and cheating, there isn't much outrage.
Domestic violence is perceived in mainly one narrative, the man as the aggressor and the woman as the victim.
the tables are turned, it brings a whole lot of confusion to the minds
of many people. People don't know how to generally react or focus their
outrage on.
The death of Bilyamin Muhammed Bello is a classic case of the near social media silence that happens when a man is the victim of social media violence.
was allegedly stabbed to death by his wife. There has been noise about
this on social media but it is low compared to cases of domestic
violence when a woman is a victim.
Society doesn't know
how to react when a man is at the receiving end of a woman's physical
assaults. Even for woke liberals, it takes them a second or two to
adjust to the new narrative.
What this means is
that for all the awareness on domestic violence over the years, it has
been largely one-sided. Most online campaigns design their messages to
portray the women as victims and not the aggressor. This imbalance
highlights the defect in the gender equality push