- Clear, beautiful and healthy looking eyes. Eyes provide an insight on the level of health of the individual, and healthy eyes indicate a healthy mate. It was also surveyed as the most attractive feature according to various women’s magazines.
- Being wealthy. Wealth indicates power, security, comfort and even excitement. This is very attractive to women who crave all these feelings.
- Being intelligent. Intelligence, demonstrated by high grades, an impressive line of studies or career are very attractive.
- Body posture. Within 1 second, just from how you stand, women will judge you as attractive or not. Good body posture indicates that you are a healthy mate and that is very attractive to women. Lean back.
- Speaking to her true self. If you can see past the walls most people put up and truly speak to the real person inside of them, you’ll be one of the few that understands them. This makes you very important.
- Convinced and has strong beliefs. Be opinionated about things. If you ask someone a question about a topic and they have something interesting to say about it, that’s attractive. Be opinionated.
- Being energetic. Have you ever heard the expression, “he was the life of the party” This is energy, its contagious and most people don’t have enough of it. It is very attractive.
- Being attentive to details in your life. Are you meticulous? Being attentive to the details in your life will mean that you will pay attention to the details in her life.
- Being passionate. Be in the moment and enjoy life every day. It’s not about the destination, but about the journey. You’ll find your true love along the way.
- Being witty. This is very attractive as it alludes to being smart, and intelligence is attractive to women. If you are dating then wit will be a big part of your evening.

10-20 Wealth playfulness and more
- A confident attitude towards life. Confidence indicates that you are successful and to be trusted. When you trust yourself, others will as well. Women will trust you with themselves.
- Being playful. Playfulness means that you are fun to be with, consequently triggering feelings of attraction in women.
- Being touchy. Human touch is a powerful way to trigger feelings of attraction. Naturally touchy people have a lot more sex than people who refrain from human contact. This is important when you flirt with a girl.
- Bravery. Being brave, alert in emergency situations is very attractive and indicates that you will be able to protect her from danger.
- Being excited about life. The energy that people emit when they are excited about living is contagious and very attractive.
- Being unavailable. People want what they can’t get. Being hard ( but not impossible! ) to get is attractive.
- A cocky smile is attractive. Cocky smiles, demonstrated in movies such as James Bond and Top Gun, trigger feelings of confidence and dominance which is extremely arousing. Read up on how to pick up girls for more information.
- Genuine smiles in general are attractive. As long as they are a reaction to something that occurred and not because you are being polite or awkward.
- Being concentrated on a task is attractive to women. If a woman can watch you while you are completely involved in a task, then she is likely to be attracted to you. Examples of this can be her watching you paint, play an instrument, anything you do well that requires full absolute concentration on your part.
- Playing an instrument is attractive to women. Wonder why the rock stars get the girls… there are many reasons but those who play music are automatically ranked more attractive than those who don’t.